14 Pictures That Will Change Your Whole Damn Life
1. The orange edge of Sour Patch Kids is actually LITTLE KIDS.
2. The Easter Island moai statues actually have full bodies underneath the ground.
3. Cinnamon sticks are the dried, rolled-up bark of this tree.
4. And kiwifruit grow on vines.
5. Jenny McCarthy and Melissa McCarthy are cousins.
6. This is how your key works.
7. Those perfect stacks of towels at Bed Bath & Beyond are FAKE.
8. Nutella contains very little hazelnuts and is 58% sugar and 32% fat (most of which is palm oil).
9. There's a 31 hidden in the Baskin-Robbins logo that stands for the company's 31 flavors.
10. And "TOYOTA" is hidden in the Toyota logo.
11. This is what a strawberry looks like under a microscope.
12. And this is what a sunset on Mars looks like.
13. This is what's inside of an instant ramen noodle cup.
14. And this is a good way to get rid of all that cereal dust if you hate it.
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